
Issues for financial year by branch by collection. Not including renewals - just remove that part of the select statement to count all issues.

To change the breakdown to just by collection or just by branch, delete one of those cells from the table and it will recalculate the table without that sort criteria.

A very simples report - what could possibly go wrong?

Issues for financial year by branch by collection. Not including renewals - just remove that part of the select statement to count all issues.

To change the breakdown to just by collection or just by branch, delete one of those cells from the table and it will recalculate the table without that sort criteria.

A very simples report - what could possibly go wrong?

File Name: Issues_by_branch_by_collection_for_fin_year_-_not_renewals.rpt
Category: Crystal Reports
File Size: 82 KB
File Type: application/octet-stream
Created Date: 19-03-2008
Last Updated Date: 25-04-2020

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