
Accommodation booking for for Royal on the Park (Conference location). 

Rooms from $180 per night, Bed and Breakfast rate $199.  Please book directly through Royal on the Park.

File Name: Spydus_Users_Network_-_Accommodation_Booking_Form.doc
Category: 2010 Conference
File Size: 410 KB
File Type: application/msword
Created Date: 07-07-2010
Last Updated Date: 25-04-2020

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In 2010, the SPUN Exec have decided to Sponsor a member to attend the conference.  Nominations close on the 13th August. 

Contact Clare for more details:  president@spun.asn.au

Libraries Australia -- Gavin Elliott (Sunshine Coast Libraries) and Ann Clarkson (Moreton Bay Regional)
Customisation notes from the Conference Training Session

Use this form to write your Questions on Notice to Civica for Friday's session.

 Please submit to Nic or Kay by Thursday afternoon.
